Top 15 Programming Languages Web Development

The choice of programming languages for web development often depends on the specific requirements of a project, the developer’s familiarity with the language, and the technologies used in the web development ecosystem. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are the top 15 programming languages commonly used for web development: Please note … Read more

Is JWT good for API authentication?

Yes, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are commonly used and considered a good choice for API authentication in many scenarios. They offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for securing RESTful APIs: However, like any technology, JWTs also have some considerations and potential drawbacks: In conclusion, JWTs can be an excellent choice for API … Read more

How to use ngx translate in Angular 8?

Internationalization (i18n) is an essential aspect of modern web development, enabling applications to reach a global audience by supporting multiple languages and locales. Angular, a popular JavaScript framework, provides robust tools and libraries to facilitate i18n implementation. In this article, we will explore how I set up i18n in Angular using the ngx-translate library, a … Read more

How I deploy my Django project to Docker

Deploying a Django project using Docker involves several steps. Docker allows you to create isolated and portable containers that contain your application and its dependencies. Here’s a general outline of the process: Docker Setup: If you haven’t already, install Docker on your development machine. You can download and install it from the official Docker website: … Read more

AI Legal Document Verification With Langchain.js

Welcome to the future of legal document verification with Langchain.js. We’re excited to introduce our cutting-edge AI-powered technology that takes the hassle out of verifying legal documents, ensuring accuracy, security, and efficiency like never before. The Langchain.js Advantage: Langchain.js is a powerful AI-driven tool designed specifically for legal professionals and organizations. With its advanced natural … Read more

How do I deploy a Reactjs project to Heroku?

Auto-deploying React and Vue apps with Heroku involves setting up a continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipeline using a version control system (such as Git), a CI/CD tool (such as GitHub Actions), and the Heroku platform. This allows you to automatically build and deploy your apps whenever you push changes to your repository. … Read more

How can I get high-quality traffic without SEO?

Generating high-quality website traffic without relying on SEO requires a combination of effective strategies. Here's a comprehensive approach to help you achieve this: Create Exceptional Content: Content that's informative, valuable, and unique tends to attract visitors. This could be in the form of blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, or infographics. If your content provides genuine ... Read more

How to test methods in Jest?


Jest is a popular JavaScript testing framework that is commonly used for testing methods and functions in JavaScript projects. To test methods in Jest, you need to follow these general steps: 1.Setup: Ensure you have Jest installed in your project. You can install it using npm or yarn: 2.Write Test Files: Create test files in … Read more

What are the 4 types of Programming Language?

Type of Programming

Programming can be broadly categorized into several types based on different criteria. Here are four common types of programming: Procedural Programming This is the most traditional and widely used programming paradigm. In procedural programming, the code is organized into procedures or functions, and the program execution follows a linear sequence of instructions. It focuses on … Read more