What 2021 Will Look Like for Socceristas

Let’s cut to the chase. What is 2021 going to look like for the Soccerista? You’ve been on pause. You’ve waited. You’ve played in a “new” environment. You’ve been working to keep your skills crisp, your development strong, and your fitness level solid, despite all the adjustments you’ve had to make for COVID. First, give yourself credit for staying in the game when you’ve been sidelined.  Next, let’s talk with my friend, Chris Legates, from Vale Soccer Club in Middletown, CT, for a 2021 girls soccer update.

What happened in 2020?

In November of 2020, the Governor of Connecticut put a pause on full club sports for a period of two months. This coincided with the regrouping of Chris’ Vale SC U17 girls team following their abbreviated high school seasons. After a high school season cut short, their postseason training was also cut short.  Vale U17s were able to get about three full team training sessions in before the deadline for the pause occurred. Just like many, many other teams around the country, Vale SC was left wondering what would happen next.

What about college showcases?

Club players also lost out on the ability to play in college showcase tournaments throughout the country due to the restrictions. Vale SC circled the wagons and offered small group training sessions that were optional for players. Almost all players have taken advantage of them in efforts to stay connected, stay conditioned, and stay hopeful for college exposure. 

What training looks like now.

Players around the country maintain social distancing measures by training in small groups. At Vale SC, each group trains twice a week for an hour. The club has the option of training outdoors despite normally training indoors during the winter season. The Vale U17s elected to train outside.

Chris elaborates on the sessions, “All the sessions I have designed are about technique. The sessions have an extensive focus on vision and scanning. The secondary focus is on first and second touch, as well as movement and mobility. Every session concludes with the players spending 5-10 minutes hitting the ball off the wall working on their touch, turning, vision and acceleration. Just like I did when I was a kid. I am trying to instill into players that they do not need anyone but themselves, a ball, and a wall to get a solid training session in. It has been such a great time watching the players develop during this unprecedented time.”

Plans for the future.

The introduction of vaccines has led to renewed hopes the pandemic will soon be under control. While following small group training protocols for now, Vale SC is preparing for 2021 to return to slight normalcy. 

Although, nothing is certain. This period has also helped Chris, like many other coaches, to alter how they will plan future training sessions once the pandemic is over. Chris will be integrating one full training session weekly focusing on small group technical training. He states, “the individual focus allows me to help fix any deficiencies that the players may have. The increase in repetitions will help the players become even more confident and composed on the ball. We have taken this time as a chance to rise up and improve as well as a challenge. I respect the attitudes that players come to training with every session and I cannot wait to see how these sessions will translate once we have the entire group together training on a full field.”


It’s clear there has been a lot of adjustments on the club level. Kudos to the coaches and the players that have been riding the wave. Training… waiting… missing out on full team sessions and play… But most importantly, making the best of it. They have been and will continue to use this time to focus on individual skills and tactics that will only benefit the players in the future.  

Club soccer isn’t going anywhere. Tournaments and games are already underway. However, local regulations play a role in who is allowed to step on the field. As of January 2021, current estimates suggest the vaccines could be widely accessible by the summer, which means there’s potential for a full fall club and college season! Here’s to 2021, with hope and confidence that we will see all the hard work that coaches and players put in during quarantine, flourish when they get back to team-centered training and full game schedules.

Featured Image via Adobe Stock @Andres


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