Who Gets the House in a Divorce in South Carolina?

As divorce attorneys in Charleston, South Carolina, our clients frequently want to know who gets the house in a divorce in South Carolina. The short answer is that it depends on the circumstances of each case. The long answer can be a little complicated, but in this article, our family court lawyers explain the legal … Read more

Is South Carolina a Community Property State?

As family law attorneys in Charleston, SC, we’ve been asked whether South Carolina is a community property state. The short answer is “no.” However, South Carolina is called an “equitable division,” sometimes referred to as a “separate property,” state. In most long marriages, the split will not be far from 50/50. In shorter marriages, it … Read more

How to Fill Out a South Carolina Financial Declaration Form for Family Court

Our Charleston divorce lawyers often get asked how to fill out a financial declaration form for a South Carolina Family Court. It can be a time-consuming, and sometimes confusing, task. Other than the footnotes on the last page, there are no real instructions given anywhere to help with filling out this form. We’ve helped hundreds … Read more

What If My Child Doesn’t Want to Visit with the Other Parent?

“What should I do when my child doesn’t want to go visit the other parent?” As a divorce attorney in Charleston, South Carolina, that is one of the toughest (and most heartbreaking) questions I get asked by some clients. When a child refuses to visit with a parent, this scenario (1) prompts distrust and suspicion … Read more

Can I Get Back (Retroactive) Child Support in South Carolina?

Often, the family lawyers at Futeral & Nelson are asked whether someone trying for child support can get back support. This situation happens in a couple of different ways. One example is where child support was awarded earlier in the child’s life, and then the parent receiving support wants to increase it because they found … Read more

Is a Personal Injury Settlement Divided in a South Carolina Divorce?

As Divorce Attorneys in Charleston, we deal with the division of marital assets. Sometimes couples split up while one of them has a pending claim resulting from an auto accident, workers compensation injury, or some other type of personal injury claim. Other claims may be on the table as well, such as a case for … Read more

Grandparent Rights in South Carolina

As family law attorneys in Charleston, we are often asked about the rights of grandparents in divorce, visitation, and custody cases in South Carolina. Sometimes, one of the parents dies, and the other parent withholds the child from his or her in-laws. Sometimes, the grandparents have a falling out with their own child and are … Read more

DSS Investigations of Child Abuse & Neglect Cases in South Carolina

The Department of Social Services (DSS) serves multiple purposes in South Carolina. Perhaps the most well-known service is for the protection of children who have been abused or neglected. This process can be complicated to understand, so here, our Charleston family lawyers and DSS defense attorneys explain the basic process of a DSS case and … Read more

Are Retirement Accounts Split in a South Carolina Divorce?

Some of the most common assets our divorce attorneys in Charleston see when dividing a marital estate during a divorce include retirement accounts. Many employers offer these types of accounts as an employment benefit, or couples sometimes start these accounts themselves. They offer tax benefits for those who have extra money to save. Divorcing couples … Read more

Divorcing in South Carolina When Your Spouse Lives in Another State

Oftentimes, our divorce lawyers in Charleston deal with cases where both spouses have lived in South Carolina for years. In these family court cases, it’s clear that South Carolina is the proper state for filing the divorce. However, sometimes the other spouse lives in another state. In these cases, it’s important to understand the laws … Read more