Common Law Marriage in South Carolina

As Charleston divorce attorneys, we’ve dealt with cases involving common-law marriage in South Carolina. Until July 2019, South Carolina was one of the few states that still recognized a “common law” marriage even though the couple didn’t have a ceremony or get a marriage license. In this article, our Charleston divorce lawyers explain what is … Read more

Common Law Marriage in South Carolina

As Charleston divorce attorneys, we’ve dealt with cases involving common-law marriage in South Carolina. Until July 2019, South Carolina was one of the few states that still recognized a “common law” marriage even though the couple didn’t have a ceremony or get a marriage license. In this article, our Charleston divorce lawyers explain what is … Read more

Divorcing in South Carolina When You’re Drowning in Mortgage Debt

I’ve been a divorce lawyer in Charleston, South Carolina for over 29 years and I have handled the division of marital assets including homes. Prior to 2008, property values were soaring, people built financial equity swiftly, and homes sold quickly during a divorce. When the recession hit in 2008, Ben Bernanke, the former head of … Read more

How to Stop Getting Over-Billed by Your Divorce Lawyer

As a divorce lawyer in Charleston, South Carolina, I’ve had clients tell me that another lawyer ripped them off during their divorce by overcharging them. Besides what I hear from clients’ past experiences with other divorce attorneys, I’ve had cases where I suspect that the other divorce attorney may be overcharging their client. Over-billing happens … Read more

What is the South Carolina Military Parent Equal Protection Act?

As a former member of the armed forces and a military divorce attorney in Charleston, it’s been my privilege to help mothers and fathers who face challenges in custody and visitation because they’ve been deployed for duty. Because members of the armed forces can be deployed, relocated, or stationed in another state or a hostile … Read more

What Are Fathers’ Rights in South Carolina?

Our custody and divorce lawyers in Charleston have handled many cases involving custody of a child whose parents never married. In some respects, family court cases involving unmarried parents can be simpler than a traditional divorce because they do not involve issues such as alimony or the division of assets. However, custody claims between unwed … Read more

Six Best Ways to Deal with a Passive-Aggressive Co-Parent

As a divorce lawyer in Charleston, South Carolina, with over 29 years of experience, I’ve listened to the frustrations of many parents who are dealing with a passive-aggressive co-parent. In my experience, passive-aggressive behavior is one of the most common problems divorcing parents experience. Unfortunately, a passive-aggressive parent turns mundane, routine events (such as pick-up … Read more

Parental Alienation & Child Custody South Carolina

As child custody lawyers in Charleston, South Carolina, we deal with cases where one parent turns the parties’ children against the other parent. Many refer to these acts of poisoning a child’s relationship with a parent as Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Essentially, parental alienation is a form of emotional abuse whereby one parent damages or … Read more

Can a Child Choose Which Parent to Live with in South Carolina?

As divorce attorneys in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, we know that custody disputes can be among the most difficult cases for a divorce lawyer to handle. In South Carolina, a child does not get to choose which parent to live with, but the family court may consider the child’s preference. This article examines all of … Read more

Can a Child Choose Which Parent to Live with in South Carolina?

As divorce attorneys in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, we know that custody disputes can be among the most difficult cases for a divorce lawyer to handle. In South Carolina, a child does not get to choose which parent to live with, but the family court may consider the child’s preference. This article examines all of … Read more