What Happens if I Don’t Pay Child Support in South Carolina?

As Charleston divorce lawyers, we’re often asked what happens if a parent fails to make their child support payments. In this article, we’ll examine some of the penalties for failure to pay support, what happens if a parent crosses state lines to avoid payment, what to do if you run into financial difficulties that cause … Read more

What Happens if I Don’t Pay Child Support in South Carolina?

As Charleston divorce lawyers, we’re often asked what happens if a parent fails to make their child support payments. In this article, we’ll examine some of the penalties for failure to pay support, what happens if a parent crosses state lines to avoid payment, what to do if you run into financial difficulties that cause … Read more

How to Stop Getting Over-Billed by Your Divorce Lawyer

As a divorce lawyer in Charleston, South Carolina, I’ve had clients tell me that another lawyer ripped them off during their divorce by overcharging them. Besides what I hear from clients’ past experiences with other divorce attorneys, I’ve had cases where I suspect that the other divorce attorney may be overcharging their client. Over-billing happens … Read more